Free data erasure
A new Government Decree enters into force on 5 May 2021 about the creation of a free (state financed) data erasure application. The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) is currently working on the application; their goal is to create a user friendly and secure software until 1 May 2021, which the public will be able to download form the site of the NMHH free of charge.
NMHH is also required to provide guidance on the use of the application and to produce the labels containing the codes required for deletion, which the users will receive from the trader when purchasing a data carrier device. NMHH will deliver such labels to the capital’s government office, ensuring the opportunity that the labels will reach traders through the district offices. NMHH must also maintain a register on the labels, and keeps the records for 10 years from the transmission.
The application can be activated with the label provided by the trader, then the user will receive a code via e-mail, allowing him to permanently delete his personal data stored on the selected device. After the deletion the consumer receives a verification e-mail. The decree thus ensures that the right to erasure (or “right to be forgotten”) set out in the General Data Protection Regulation is free and accessible to everyone.