Regulation No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council regulates the European Order for Payment Procedure, which is an optional proceeding that may be used in cross-border cases as an alternative to the various equivalent national procedures. The purpose of the procedure is the swift and efficient recovery of uncontested outstanding debts. In this procedure, the claimant shall submit an application, on the basis of which the European Order for Payment is issued automatically. However, the debtor may lodge a statement of opposition within 30 days of the order being issued. The opposition causes the termination of the order and as a result, a court proceeding commences.
In July 2016, a report was made in order to clarify the amendments that are required in the ruling of the European Order for Payment. It is stated in the report that the Commission should adopt new versions of certain standard forms taking into account various changes occurred over the years. In addition, it would be necessary to improve the clarity of the sections on the payment of interest. According to the report, some of the restrictions on the scope of the procedure might be lifted in view of the progresses made in the EU family law. The committee intends to vote on the report in September 2016.