Sample warranty certificate is available
From 2021, the rules on warranty for consumer durables (e.g. household appliances, kitchen appliances, gas appliances) have been comprehensively modernised. As a result of the changes, businesses must repair or replace defective products under warranty within a short period of time. In addition, the instrument for enforcing repair and replacement claims, i.e. the warranty certificate has also been affected by the amendments in September 2021. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) created a warranty certificate template with a content agreed with trade associations to support the undertakings in their compliance.
The minimum content of the warranty certificate is detailed in a government decree. It must include the name and address of the enterprise; if different from the enterprise, the name and address of the manufacturer; the name and type of the product and if available, its serial number. The exact date of purchase or putting into service is essential for the start of the warranty period. From the beginning of 2021, the stamp of the company and the signature of its representative at the issue of the certificate must also be indicated on the warranty certificate.
From 1 January 2021, increased attention must be taken to ensure that the warranty certificate always indicates the warranty period for the product, which may be one, two or three years, depending on the selling price. Although not required by the laws, it is also advisable to specify the purchase price for the same reason.
According to the Deputy State Secretary for Consumer Protection, six out of ten shops have to comply fully with the changed rules. ITM is now helping enterprises to issue a fully compliant warranty certificate by providing a template that is agreed by professional organisations. Such template warranty certificate can be downloaded from the Consumer Protection Portal, however its use is not compulsory.