The Hungarian Parliament is discussing a proposal on the amendment of the Act on Electronic Communications in order to implement the regulations of EU Directive 2018/1972. This latter Directive was adopted by the European Union in December 2018 to set up the European Electronic Communications Code. Member Sates shall implement its regulations until 21 December 2020 after a 2-year long preparation period.
The European Electronic Communications Code establishes common EU rules and objectives on the telecom industry by revising and modernising the pre-existing framework regulation. The new regulation enables the rapid roll-out of 5G and other next generation network technologies throughout Europe, encourages innovation and strengthens consumer protection in the area of electronic communications. The new rules also introduce a public warning system, i.e. a so called “reverse 112” system at national level, which allows states to alert people directly on their mobile phones of major emergencies such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks (which shall be implemented by Member States by 21 June 2022).
The implementing measures of the Hungarian proposal include regulations on end-users’ rights, spectrum management, provisions on encouraging competition and stimulating investment in very high capacity networks, respectively improving consumer protection. The proposal contains provisions on national regulatory authorities and establishes a set of procedures.
The European Electronic Communications Code was designed to implement the changes in markets, consumer trends and technology, which have significantly changed since 2009 when the framework had been last amended. Due to these changes, connectivity and take-up of very high capacity networks, including fixed, mobile and wireless networks, of EU citizens and businesses will be strengthened and encouraged.