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The independent administrative and labour courts ceased to exist in Hungary as of 31 March 2020, and in the future, administrative and employment legal actions will be brought before regional courts. All cases that were in the sole jurisdiction of the Budapest-Capital Administrative and Labour Courts have been transferred to the sole jurisdiction of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court.

As a result of the change, administrative cases of second instance (appealing and review proceedings) will be decided by the Curia. Single judge cases shall be proceeded exclusively by the Curia. Employment cases of first instance are now in the jurisdiction of the regional courts, while at second instance the appealing procedures will be dealt by the jurisdiction of the courts of appeal, and the review proceedings shall be proceeded by the Curia.

All statement of claims submitted to the administrative and labour courts before 1 April 2020 are being transferred to the competent courts and the parties will receive specific information about the relevant changes.